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Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

Algorithm / Intuition

  • To find the diameter of a binary tree, we can think of every node as a potential Curving Point of the path along which we find the sum. The maximum sum of a path through a turning point (like a curve) can be found by adding the maximum sum achievable in the left subtree, the right subtree, and the value of the turning point.


    • Base Case: When the current node is null which indicates the end of a path or a lead node, we return the maximum path sum as 0.

    • Recursive Function:

      • Calculate the maximum path sum for the left and right subtrees by making recursive calls to the left and right child of the current node.
      • Calculate the maximum path sum when the current node serves as the turning point: Maximum Path Sum when Current Node is Turning Point = Maximum Path Sum of Left Subtree + Maximum Path Sum of Right Subtree + Current Value of Node
      • Update the overall maximum path sum (maxi) by considering the sum of the current node and the left and right subtree sums.
      • Return the maximum sum considering only one branch (either left or right) along with the value of the current node as the maximum sum up until this node.

class Solution {
    int solver(TreeNode* root , int &maxi){

        if(root == NULL){
            return 0;

        int l_sum = max(0 , solver(root ->left , maxi));
        int r_sum = max(0 , solver(root ->right , maxi));

        maxi = max(maxi , (l_sum+r_sum+root ->val));

        return root ->val + max(l_sum , r_sum);

    int maxPathSum(TreeNode* root) {

        int maxi = INT_MIN;
        solver(root , maxi);
        return maxi;
Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree

Before doing this problem go through the problem like (Top View of Binary Tree , Bottom View of Binary Tree) which is available in First Important Questions List. 🔥

class Solution {
    vector<vector<int>> verticalTraversal(TreeNode* root) {

        vector<vector<int>> ans;
        if(root == NULL){
            return ans;

        // vertex , level , datas
        map<int,map<int,multiset<int>>> mp;

        // node , vertex , level
        queue<pair<TreeNode*,pair<int,int>>> q;

            auto it = q.front();
            TreeNode* node = it.first;
            int line = it.second.first;
            int level = it.second.second;
            mp[line][level].insert(node ->val);

            if(node ->left){
                q.push({node ->left,{line-1,level+1}});
            if(node ->right){
                q.push({node ->right,{line+1,level+1}});

        for(auto p : mp){
            vector<int> temp;
            for(auto q : p.second){
                multiset<int> st = q.second;
                for(auto it : st){
        return ans;
Maximum Width of Binary Tree

Algorithm / Intuition

  • Start by assigning an index to the root node as 0. For each level, the left child gets an index equal to (2 * parent index +1), and the right child gets an index equal to (2 * parent index + 2). Using a level order traversal, we use the leftmost and rightmost nodes at each level and using their indices, get the width at that level. Keep track of the maximum width encountered during the traversal. Whenever a wider level is found, update the maximum width.


class Solution {
    int widthOfBinaryTree(TreeNode* root) {

        if(root == NULL){
            return 0;

        long long ans = 0;
        queue<pair<TreeNode*,int>> q;

            long long start = q.front().second;
            long long end = q.back().second;
            ans = max(ans,(end-start+1));
            int N = q.size();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++){
                TreeNode* node = q.front().first;
                long long idx = q.front().second;
                if(node ->left){
                    q.push({node ->left,2*idx+1});
                if(node ->right){
                    q.push({node ->right,2*idx+2});
        return ans;
All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

💯 🥇 Think about storing parent of child node, because we need to go from child to parent in some cases.

class Solution {
    void helper(TreeNode* root , map<TreeNode*,TreeNode*> &parent){

        queue<TreeNode*> q;

            int N = q.size();
            for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++){
                TreeNode* node = q.front();
                if(node ->left){
                    q.push(node ->left);
                    parent[node ->left] = node;
                if(node ->right){
                    q.push(node ->right);
                    parent[node ->right] = node;

    vector<int> distanceK(TreeNode* root, TreeNode* target, int k) {

        map<TreeNode*,TreeNode*> parent;
        helper(root , parent);

        map<TreeNode*,bool> vis;
        int count = 0;
        queue<TreeNode*> q;

            int N = q.size();
            if(count == k){

            for(int i = 0 ; i < N ; i++){
                TreeNode* node = q.front();

                vis[node] = true;

                if(node ->left && vis[node ->left] == false){
                    q.push(node ->left);
                    vis[node ->left] = true;
                if(node ->right && vis[node ->right] == false){
                    q.push(node ->right);
                    vis[node ->right] = true;
                if(parent[node] && vis[parent[node]] == false){
                    vis[parent[node]] = true;

        vector<int> ans;
            ans.push_back(q.front() ->val);

        return ans;

🥇 🥇 🥇

Other Important Questions List

1. Important Questions List
2. Important Questions List

This problem's logic is same as All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree

💯 🔥 🚀