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Minimum spanning trees

What are spanning trees?

A spanning tree is a subset of Graph G, such that all the vertices are connected using minimum possible number of edges.

  • Hence, a spanning tree does not have cycles
  • a graph may have more than one spanning tree
  • Every node is reachable by another node.


Spanning tree

  • n nodes (vertices)
  • (n-1) edges

all possible spanning tree

Properties of Spanning tree

  • A Spanning tree does not exist for a disconnected graph.
  • For a connected graph having N vertices then the number of edges in the spanning tree for that graph will be N-1.
  • A Spanning tree does not have any cycle.
  • We can construct a spanning tree for a complete graph by removing E-N+1 edges, where E is the number of Edges and N is the number of vertices.
  • Algorithms like Dijkstra & A* search algorithm internally build a spanning tree as an intermediate step.

Minimum Spanning tree

  • A spanning tree with minimum sum of weights.
