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Bipartite using (BFS & DFS)

Bipartite Graph

If we are able to colour a graph with two colours such that no adjacent nodes have the same colour, it is called a bipartite graph.

  • Any linear graph with no cycle is always a bipartite graph.
  • With a cycle, any graph with an even cycle length can also be a bipartite graph.


  • Any graph with an odd cycle length can never be a bipartite graph.


Checking Bipartite using (BFS)

Points to remember

We need to create an extra vector<int> color(V,-1) vector to keep track of colored nodes.

  • And see this portion of code
    for(auto it : adj[node]){
        if(color[it] == -1){
            color[it] = 1-color[node];
        else if(color[it] == color[node]){
            return false;
class Solution{

    bool check(int start , vector<int> adj[] , vector<int> &color){

        queue<int> q;
        color[start] = 0;

            int node = q.front();

            for(auto it : adj[node]){
                if(color[it] == -1){
                    color[it] = 1-color[node];
                else if(color[it] == color[node]){
                    return false;

        return true;

    bool isBipartite(int V, vector<int>adj[]){

        vector<int> color(V,-1);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < V ; i++){
            if(color[i] == -1){
                bool ans = check(i , adj , color);
                if(ans == false){
                    return false;

        return true;


Time Complexity

O(N+E), Where N = Nodes, E is no. of edges.

Space Complexity

O(2N) ~ O(N), Space for queue data structure and color array.

Checking Bipartite using (DFS)

Points to remember

We need to create an extra vector<int> color(V,-1) vector to keep track of colored nodes.

class Solution{

    bool check(int start , int col , vector<int> adj[] , vector<int> &color){

        color[start] = col;

        for(auto it : adj[start]){
            if(color[it] == -1){
                if(check(it , 1-col , adj , color) == false){
                    return false;
            else if(color[it] == col){
                return false;

        return true;

    bool isBipartite(int V, vector<int>adj[]){

        vector<int> color(V,-1);

        for(int i = 0 ; i < V ; i++){
            if(color[i] == -1){
                bool ans = check(i , 0 , adj , color);
                if(ans == false){
                    return false;

        return true;


Time Complexity

O(N + 2E), Where N = Vertices, 2E is for total degrees as we traverse all adjacent nodes.

Space Complexity

O(2N) ~ O(N), Space for DFS stack space and colour array.