Topological Sort (BFS & DFS)
Topological Sort
Topological sort: The linear ordering of nodes/vertices such that if there exists an edge between 2 nodes u,v then āuā appears before āvā.
Topological Sorting is applicable only for DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph).
Topological Sort Using (BFS)
Steps to remember
- Find in-degree of all nodes and fill them in an array.
- Now take Queue data structure and add nodes that have in-degree is 0.
- Take the top/peek node from Queue, add this x to our answer.
- We'll apply some conditions to the BFS:
- Now take neighbour nodes of popped nodes and reduce their in-degree by 1.
- if any of the popped element nodes's in-degree becomes 0, push it in to the queue.
vector<int> topo(int N, vector<int> adj[]) {
queue<int> q;
vector<int> indegree(N, 0);
for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) {
for(auto it: adj[i]) {
for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) {
if(indegree[i] == 0) {
vector<int> topo;
while(!q.empty()) {
int node = q.front();
for(auto it : adj[node]) {
if(indegree[it] == 0) {
return topo;
Time Complexity
O(N+E), where N = no. of nodes and E = no. of edges.
Space Complexity
O(N) + O(N)
Topological Sort Using (DFS)
Steps to remember
- Visited Vector - To store visit of each vertex
- Stack - To maintain the topo sort order.
void findTopoSort(int node, vector<int> &vis, stack<int> &st, vector<int> adj[]) {
vis[node] = 1;
for (auto it: adj[node]) {
if (!vis[it]) {
findTopoSort(it, vis, st, adj);
vector<int> topoSort(int N, vector<int> adj[]) {
stack<int> st;
vector<int> vis(N, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (vis[i] == 0) {
findTopoSort(i, vis, st, adj);
vector<int> topo;
while (!st.empty()) {
return topo;
Time Complexity
O(N+E), where N = no. of nodes and E = no. of edges.
Space Complexity
O(N) + O(N) , Visited Array and Stack data structure. Both will be using O(N).