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Introduction to Sliding Window Technique

What is Sliding Window Technique?

Sliding Window problems are problems in which a fixed or variable-size window is moved through a data structure, typically an array or string, to solve problems efficiently based on continuous subsets of elements.

This technique is commonly used in algorithms like finding subarrays with a specific sum, finding the longest substring with unique characters, or solving problems that require a fixed-size window to process elements efficiently.


How to use Sliding Window Technique?

There are basically two types of sliding window:

1. Fixed Size Sliding Window:

The general steps to solve these questions by following below steps:

  • Find the size of the window required, say K.
  • Compute the result for 1st window.
  • Then use a loop to slide the window by 1 and keep computing the result window by window.
Max Sum Subarray of size K
class Solution{
    long maximumSumSubarray(int K, vector<int> &arr , int N){

        long sum = 0;
        long ans = INT_MIN;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;

        while(j < N){

            sum += arr[j];

            // Compute the result for 1st window.
            if(j-i+1 < K){
            else if(j-i+1 == K){

                // Slide the window by 1 and keep computing the result window by window.
                ans = max(ans , sum);
                sum -= arr[i];
        return ans;

2. Variable Size Sliding Window:

The general steps to solve these questions by following below steps:

  • In this type of sliding window problem, we increase our right pointer one by one till our condition is true.
  • At any step if our condition does not match, we shrink the size of our window by increasing left pointer.
  • Again, when our condition satisfies, we start increasing the right pointer and follow step 1.
  • We follow these steps until we reach to the end of the array.
Smallest subarray with sum greater than x
class Solution{
    int smallestSubWithSum(int arr[], int n, int x){

        int sum = 0;
        int ans = INT_MAX;
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while(j < n){

            sum += arr[j];
            while(sum > x){
                ans = min(ans , j-i+1);
                sum -= arr[i];


        if(ans == INT_MAX){
            return 0;

        return ans;

How to Identify Sliding Window Problems:

  • These problems generally require Finding Maximum/Minimum Subarray, Substrings which satisfy some specific condition.
  • The size of the subarray or substring ‘K’ will be given in some of the problems.
  • These problems can easily be solved in O(N^2) time complexity using nested loops, using sliding window we can solve these in O(N) Time Complexity.
  • Required Time Complexity: O(N) or O(Nlog(N))
  • Constraints: N <= 10^6 , If N is the size of the Array/String.